Community Updates

Community Update

In Memoriam

I started a YouTube channel in October of 2019 to show my friends the first 2A print I really enjoyed. Little did I know then it would lead to becoming Mr.Snow. My first video gathered over 250 thousand views on YouTube in a very short time. It was the OG Mac Daddy…. Although I am sad for this loss, I also find a freedom in being released from the YouTube terms of service. There were…

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Project Glator 3.0

The Glator 3.0 lives

I wouldn’t have thought is possible, but I think I made the recoil worse! It all started off as a bit of a joke. Take the $100-ish Altor 9 single shot pistol, and level it up. Solscud007, and I have been having a good laugh all through the journey. Solscud007’s first request was an Altor “re-skin” to the Jolt-9. It was dubbed the Noisy Altor Jolt. It came out looking way more like the “Noisy…

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Community Update

Building a Website

It’s been a very long time since I’ve really built out a websites. I expect a lot of changes over these next few months as we find our voice here. I’m not sure how much will be written text, video entries, or possibly trying out AI generated content! I look forward to interacting with all of you on this journey together. I must point out that Unseenkiller has been vital in helping me move this…

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